What important trust and estate issue is Sterling working on?
In light of recent SECURE Act requirements relating to IRAs, in which descendants are required to withdraw funds over a ten-year period as ordinary income, we helped a client designate a 664 Stretch IRA Trust as the beneficiary of their IRA. This will allow the client’s children to collect distributions over their entire life expectancy in a more tax-advantaged way.
What do you find most enjoyable about sponsoring an ACTEC meeting?
Simply, it’s the people. We have initiated, developed, and maintained many friendships with ACTEC Fellows, other sponsors, and ACTEC staff over the years. All are welcoming, friendly, interesting, engaging—and frankly, it’s hard to imagine a more enjoyable group of people to spend time with. And yes, it’s rewarding when you are able to help an ACTEC Fellow provide value to their client