Fourth Quarter 2016

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Self-Employment Tax and LLCs
  • New Partnership Audit Rules
  • Fiduciary Income Taxation Update
  • Upcoming Events
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Third Quarter 2016

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Proposed Regulations under Code § 2704
  • Tenants in Common in Light of Attack on Certain Partnerships
  • Avoiding Income Taxation of Life Insurance in Buy-Sell Agreements
  • Upcoming Events
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Second Quarter 2016

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Winning Reasonable Compensation Strategy
  • Tax Court Confirms Business Life Insurance Tool
  • Passive Can Be Good
  • Upcoming Events
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First Quarter 2016

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Installment Sale of Partnership Interest Compared to Redemption
  • Possible Effect of Buy-Sell Agreement on Marital Deduction
  • QSubs – Handy for Code § 6166 Estate Tax Deferral or for Reorganizations
  • Upcoming Events
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Fourth Quarter 2015

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Business Structuring Aspects of December 2015 Legislation
  • Top Ten Tactical & Strategic Issues for Fiduciary Income Tax Return Preparers
  • F Reorganizations – Facilitate Conversions to Partnerships or Asset Protection; Final Regulations Issued
  • Upcoming Events
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Third Quarter 2015

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Trust Sales of Pass-Through Entities
  • Redemptions – Corporations Compared with Partnerships
  • Trust Material Participation Comments Completed
  • Upcoming Events
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Second Quarter 2015

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Life Insurance Traps in Buy-Sell Agreements
  • Special Tax Issues Regarding Bequeathing S Corporation Stock and Partnership Interests
  • Disqualifying Traps for Irrevocable Grantor Trust Owning Stock in an S Corporation
  • Upcoming Events
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First Quarter 2015

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Retaining Basis Step-Up Using Leveraged Estate Plan
  • Income Tax Efficient Business Exit Strategies
  • Planning Tips for Trust Participation in S Corporations
  • Upcoming Events
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Fourth Quarter 2014

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Do Higher Individual Rates Justify Using C Corporation?
  • Master Partnership to Save Future Capital Gain Tax
  • Trust Income Tax Opportunities
  • Upcoming Events (including the opportunity to receive free reports from the biggest estate planning conference in the country)
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Third Quarter 2014

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Gift Tax Consequences of Creating a Profits Interest (New CCA)
  • New Case Helps Semi-Retired Founders Avoid 3.8% NII Tax
  • Using Debt to Finance S Corporation Losses
  • Upcoming Events
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