Cynda C. Ottaway Elected 2016-2017 President of ACTEC

ACTEC has elected Cynda C. Ottaway of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to serve as the 2016-2017 President. The Board of Regents of the College inaugurated the 2016-2017 officers and inducted 35 new Fellows during its recent 2016 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Second Quarter 2016

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Winning Reasonable Compensation Strategy
  • Tax Court Confirms Business Life Insurance Tool
  • Passive Can Be Good
  • Upcoming Events
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First Quarter 2016

  • Most Recent Version of Materials
  • Installment Sale of Partnership Interest Compared to Redemption
  • Possible Effect of Buy-Sell Agreement on Marital Deduction
  • QSubs – Handy for Code § 6166 Estate Tax Deferral or for Reorganizations
  • Upcoming Events
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