Third Quarter 2017

  • Defined Value Clauses
  • S Corp. Distribution of Property
  • Traps Donating a Business to Charity
  • Structuring Ownership of Privately-Owned Businesses: Tax and Estate Planning Implications
  • Blog Posts & Upcoming Events
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Congratulations to the Florida Fellows Institute Class of 2017!

The Florida Fellows Institute graduated its second class on May 11, 2017. ACTEC President Susan House provided remarks during the event, recognizing the commitment of class members to achieving excellence in the profession. The Institute has 66 graduates after the first two years of the program.

Second Quarter 2017

  • Self-Employment and FICA Tax
  • Leveraging to Attain Basis Step-Up
  • Income Tax Benefits of Losing an FLP Case
  • Structuring Ownership of Privately-Owned Businesses: Tax and Estate Planning Implications
  • Blog Posts & Upcoming Events
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Susan T. House Elected 2017-2018 President of ACTEC

ACTEC has elected Susan T. House of Pasadena, California, to serve as the 2017-2018 President. The Board of Regents of the College inaugurated the 2017-2018 officers and inducted 82 new Fellows during its recent Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona.

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