ACTEC Help Documents

ACTEC Trust and Estate Talk FAQs

ACTEC Trust and Estate Talk is a podcast series created for trust, estate and wealth management professionals as a way for the College to share expertise with the public.

If you are interested in sharing a recommendation or have a topic suggestion, please email


What’s the format of a podcast?

The podcasts are between 6 and 9 minutes in length. Occasionally, they are longer due to the content discussed. A Fellow from the Communications Committee will be with you during the recording and serve as “host.” They will introduce the presenter(s) and thank you at the end of the podcast. The host is also available to ask pre-scripted questions during the recording. Bring along the questions to be asked if you would like to utilize this more interactive style. An example of a Q&A podcast is Estate Planning Excellence: The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.

I’ve never recorded a podcast. How should I prepare?

We recommend bringing a detailed outline of your topic. On occasion, presenters have scripted their podcasts. This is not necessary, and a podcast will often have more energy if it is conversational and not read.

May I mention my firm or email address?

No. Self-promotion is strongly discouraged. Each presenter will be introduced as an ACTEC Fellow with the city and state in which they reside. Since every podcast is transcribed and posted to a webpage, a link to each Fellow’s profile on ACTEC’s website is also part of the format. Presenters who are not Fellows are introduced with their organization, city, and state. (Directions for Updating Your Profile)

May I offer listeners other related materials?

If you have a document or recommended links for consideration, please send them to staff coordinator so they can be reviewed and approved by the Executive Producer before you mention it in the podcast. 

Can more than one person present during a podcast?

Yes. The audio engineer is set up for up to 3 presenters. Listen to Understanding Serious Mistakes and Estate Planning Implications in the Smaldino Tax Court Case and The Digital Will Revolution to hear some lively discussions between Fellows.

How long after recording will it take for my podcast to post?

There could be up to 20 podcasts recorded following a national meeting. New podcasts are posted every Tuesday. News related and time-sensitive podcasts will be moved up the production schedule as appropriate. In may take a few months for your podcast to post. The podcast posting schedule is at the top of this webpage. 

Do you have suggestions on how I can make my network aware of my podcast when it posts?

Yes! We have several suggestions and appreciate Fellows sharing ACTEC Trust and Estate Talk podcasts with their network. Your podcast will be shared on a Tuesday to

We recommend Fellows share the podcast from ACTEC’s social media platforms to their professional network. You may also embed your podcast on your firm’s website. For directions, visit

To ask another question or share a recommendation, please email