The Point and Counterpoint of Different Estate Planning Strategies


The Point and Counterpoint of
Different Estate Planning Strategies

Seminar 2
June 25, 2022
Banff, Alberta, Canada

This program engages panelists in lively debates on advising clients and engaging in various estate planning strategies and techniques, including (i) Reciprocal Non-Reciprocal SLATs (particularly in light of added potential Section 2036 considerations following Smaldino), (ii) BDITs and BDOTs, (iii) GRATS vs IDGTs, (iv) Dealing with existing FLPs – whether to restructure or not in a post-Powell/Cahill environment and considerations from the recent Levine case, (v) IRA beneficiaries (in trust vs. outright) post Secure Act Regs., and (vi) ING trusts.

Speakers: Mickey R. Davis (Moderator), Amy K. Kanyuk, Dennis I. Leonard, Carlyn S. McCaffrey, Edwin P. Morrow, III

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